The Story

 Bruno Weber quits his job as Export Manager, starts a “Teddy Bear Shop” in Esslingen and changes his name to “Bruno Bear”. Although the little shop is hard to find, many collectors from all over look for it and find it.

After 5 years in a hidden side street, more than 1,000 bears and Teddy-related gift items move to a shopping center called “DICK”, close to Esslingen’s train station. Everybody has more space, so the Teddy selection and the customer base grow. But so do Bruno’s working hours.....

Beginning of 2002:
After 8 years of nearly non-stop-work, Bruno suffers from “burn-out-syndrome” and has a desperate need for a long break. This is only possible by closing his shop, which he eventually does, although the decision is hard.....

Beginning of 2004:
After 2 years of break, with one highlight (birth of little “Yanna”) but also many downfalls, Bruno finally opens a Teddy Bear shop again in the town where it all started 10 years ago....By limiting the dimension of the new business to a minimum (concentrating mainly on collectors), he manages to serve his worldwide customers again, but he also can take care of his new, young family......

Bruno with “Bruno XXL” in his previous shop in Esslingen

      bruno bear 2003 in his “interim shop” in Gosheim!

bruno bear 2004 - back in Esslingen!

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